About Us

If you have a software or IP issue that could lead to litigation, we understand the stress that it can cause.

We know the technology, we know the law. But most importantly, we know how to help our clients.

Our Services

Software Licensing and Development Disputes

  • Software development disputes

  • Software licensing disputes

  • Vendor disputes concerning breach of contract and warranty

  • Value-added reseller disputes

  • Solution phase-outs and upgrades litigation

Software Copyright Disputes

  • Software copyright infringement

  • Violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Software Trade Secret and Unfair Competition Disputes

  • Theft of technology-related trade secrets

  • Violations of the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (DTSA)

  • Violations of the North Carolina’s Trade Secrets Protection Act and other state trade secret laws

  • Claims related to unfair and deceptive trade practices

Other Software-Related Issues

  • Violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)

  • North Carolina Computer Trespass Act claims

  • Software audits

  • Cybersquatting and other domain registry issues

  • Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP)

  • Data loss and data breach events

  • E-commerce disputes

  • Trademark infringement

  • Patent infringement

  • HIPAA compliance and policies

  • Civil investigations involving software issues

  • Strategic counseling regarding software licenses and contracts

Meet Our Team

Our team is your team. We partner with our clients to help achieve your business goals together.

Christopher Jackson


“Job One is protecting my clients’ interests”

John Kivus


“I’m all about the Software.”