Don’t Get Burned On Your Software Development Agreements

Don’t Get Burned On Your Software Development Agreements: photograph showing a man's hands holding a pen and writing something on a stack of papers

Many companies have custom software development needs, but no such in-house expertise.  Hiring an outside developer can be both stressful and time-consuming.  And often, the associated costs can be a big hit to your bottom line.  Below are a few things to keep in mind when hiring a contract software developer:


    • Get a written agreement with specific deliverables/deadlines [and keep a complete, signed copy].

    • Control access to the project.

    • Ensure that the developer signs an agreement that provides that all work is for hire and the resulting IP is owned by you.


Particularly with these type of agreements, there can be many pitfalls, and it is important to have your attorney review the draft contract before execution.  An experienced attorney can identify many types of issues that you may not have considered and try to address them to avoid major (i.e., expensive) disputes down the road.  With a solid agreement in place, you are much more likely to get to your desired outcome – a finished product that works, completed on time and without disputes over costs or the resulting IP.


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