Preventing Software Implementation Disputes

Integrating software into your enterprise’s workflow can be complex and time-consuming in and of itself, without even considering the potential risks involved. And while most software implementation goes according to plan, there is no shortage of legal disputes when it doesn’t.

Most often, these cases revolve around who owns the software, how it should work, whether it performs as intended, who takes the hit when it doesn’t, the scope of its usage, or what to do if security issues crop up.

If you’re looking to integrate new software into your business, here are a few things that can help you avoid potential legal disputes.

  • CONTRACT: Use a written agreement between the parties that details the terms of the project. Timelines, deliverables, and payments are key terms that any contract should include.

  • SCOPE: All parties should agree to a well-defined scope of the work and the deliverables.

  • FREQUENT COMMUNICATION: A good way to ensure that everyone is on the same page throughout implementation is to talk frequently. This helps resolve issues as they arise.

  • TEST: Before taking any software live with your business, run it through its paces to ensure that it meets expectations and to uncover any potential problems.

  • PLAN AHEAD FOR DISPUTES: If all parties have communicated about how to handle potential issues before they arise, chances are they’ll be resolved in a more even-handed manner.

Additionally, consider using a version control system such as Git to ensure everyone is working with the same version of the software and to otherwise track a piece of software’s evolution over time. You may also want to consider purchasing professional indemnity insurance that can help protect in case of litigation.

If you’re a company on the verge of implementing new software, chances are you’ve done your technical due diligence. It is a good idea to do the same regarding liability and risk. You’ll sleep better at night.


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