Contact us.

For a helpful conversation to bring your issue into perspective, please get in touch.

What is a consultation like?

Whether you are dealing with a licensing issue, a software audit, an informal dispute, or are already involved with a lawsuit, we can help.  Contact us today to determine if we are the right fit for you.  Initial consultations are straight-forward, free, and include the following:

  • You provide us with a short, high-level description of your issue(s), including the name of any adverse party;

  • We perform a quick conflicts check to make sure we can assist;

  • Assuming conflicts clear, we will set up a short (15-30 mins.) call or video-conference with you;  

  • We also may ask you to provide relevant background documents or other information before the call;

  • You will talk to a partner.  We will do our best to answer all your initial questions on this call, or get back to you with answers as quickly as possible.

  • We are happy to provide estimated budgets if requested;

  • We will let you know quickly whether we think we can be of assistance; and 

  • If we mutually decide to work together, we will send you an engagement letter that must be signed to begin our representation.

It’s that simple and straightforward.  If you have a software-related issue or problem, please contact us today.