John’s Article on Copyright and Generative AI Now Available

If you're a software developer or your company is working with artificial intelligence, we have a new article you will want to read. The intersection of generative AI and copyright law is a shifting landscape fraught with risk and complexities that John Kivus has been closely monitoring. John has assembled many of his observations and conclusions into a detail-rich article, Generative AI and Copyright Law: A Misalignment That Could Lead To The Privatization Of Copyright Enforcement, just published by JOLT, the esteemed UNC School of Law Journal of Law and Technology. In the article, John strives to provide readers with an overview not only of copyright law and its origins but also of how new technologies like generative AI are not exactly a proper fit for IP jurisprudence. The article takes a deep dive but is sensibly structured and provides base knowledge so that readers can truly understand the nuance at the intersection of century-old copyright law and freshly hatched technology -- and where this brave new confluence may lead.

John will also expand on certain sections of the article in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned!

You can download the PDF of the article here: Copyright and AI Article

You can also find a link to the article on the JOLT website here:


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