Assisting a Software Company Founder with a Complicated Exit

Company Founder Leaving the Office

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One of the areas where we help our clients is with exiting their software companies. We recently had the opportunity to do just that when a a software company founder asked us to help him exit his business. This particular situation was both time sensitive and complex. It required us to quickly – but thoughtfully—formulate a plan to avoid (but be prepared for) possible litigation, while also advising on the transaction and negotiating with multiple parties including a minority owner and a potential purchaser of the entire company. Our primary challenge was to ensure that all parties remained properly engaged while maximizing the value our client received for the company he created.

The situation required delicate handling and a strategic approach because the minority owner’s cooperation was crucial to facilitating the sale transaction. We began by understanding the concerns and motivations of the minority owner, who initially showed reluctance to participate in the negotiations. By figuring out a strategy and addressing its concerns, we got them to the table.

We also worked closely with the potential purchaser to secure a fair and attractive buyout offer for our client. This involved detailed discussions and careful planning to align the interests of all parties and work through logistical and regulatory issues. Ultimately, our efforts paid off as the founder successfully closed on a buyout with which he was very pleased. This not only ensured a smooth exit for our client but also maintained the company’s stability and future growth potential. Our ability to strategize, negotiate, and execute on an effective plan both avoided costly litigation and added significant value to the ultimate transaction, showcasing our commitment to achieving the best outcomes for our software clients regardless of the dispute.


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